13th July - Blood Bowl Summer Bowl

13th July - Blood Bowl Summer Bowl

  • £23.00
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Duke’s Summer Bowl ‘24 is a one day Blood Bowl tournament which will take place in Pontypool, South Wales on Saturday 13th July 2024.

The tournament will be a resurrection style, meaning all injuries and player deaths etc will reset after each round.

Venue: Dukes Gaming, 135 Osborne Road, Pontypool, NP4 6LT

(for car parking recommendations, please see here)

Cost: £18 for NAF members / £23 for non NAF members

Tourplay link: Coming soon

Player Cap: 20 players

Should you need to get in contact, please email info@dukes-gaming.com or join us on our Discord here.

Please make sure you have read our Terms and Conditions of attending an event at Duke's Gaming by clicking here.

Please note that any and all cancellations can only be refunded up to 14 days before the event begins.