Digimon Card Game: Infernal Ascension - Booster Pack (EX06)
The Seven Great Demon Lords and the Three Archangels assemble! Join the game with new text, making it possible to build "The Seven Great Demon Lords deck" at last! Also, The Three Archangels, Seraphimon, Ofanimon, and Cherubimon are now available as ACE cards!
The "Legend-Arms" deck, which was introduced in BT03 and ST13, and was very popular among users, has been greatly enhanced! Digimon with Jogress evolution such as Mastimon and Ragnalordmon will be included as ACE cards!
• This set is made up of 79 card types with 22 common, 20 uncommon, 18 rare, 12 super rare, 2 secret rare and 5 special cards across the series.
• Join the game with new text, making it possible to build "The Seven Great Demon Lords deck" at last!
• Digimon with Jogress evolution such as Mastimon and Ragnalordmon will be included as ACE cards!